Kuantum nokta sisteminde donör polarize edilebilirliği negatif olabilir. Spinler tek başına atom gibi düşünülebilir ve yönü belli bir yörüngededir. Spinler pozitif veya negatif yüklüdürler. Ama spinin ilk hareket edeceği yer negatif yöndür. Yani yarı kuanta sayısına eşittir. Spin ilk önce negatif ve pozitif yüklenerek kararlı hale gelir ve hareket eder. Spinler bu şekilde atomlar gibi kararlı hale gelir. Spin tek yönlü iken yarı kararlı tam dolu iken kararlı hale gelir. Spin kararlı hale geldiğinde negatif yönde kararlı ve yönü negatiftir.
Polarizability is a measure of how easily a molecule's electron cloud can be distorted by an external electric field. It is a positive scalar quantity that reflects the magnitude of the induced dipole moment in response to the applied field.
The reason why polarizability cannot be negative is that it is related to the magnitude of the induced dipole moment, which must be oriented along the direction of the electric field. Since the dipole moment is a vector quantity, it has both a magnitude and a direction, but it cannot have a negative magnitude. Therefore, the polarizability of a molecule must always be a positive value.
However, it is possible for the polarizability of a molecule to be small or even close to zero, which means that it is difficult to induce a dipole moment in the molecule. This typically occurs in molecules that have very symmetrical electron distributions or have strong covalent bonds that resist deformation.
In summary, the donor polarizability cannot be negative, and it is a positive scalar quantity that reflects the ease with which a molecule's electron cloud can be distorted by an external electric field.