Philosophy in the conventional meaning of the term came to an end with Hegel’s dialectics. Because, if the aim of all previous philosophy was to find the final, absolute, ultimate truth of the world; the ‘Mind of God’ etc.; Hegel’s dialectics has convincingly showed that such an aim can never be achieved. "The Infinite - As a Hegelian Philosophical Category and Its Implication for Modern Theoretical Natural Science": Article The Infinite - As a Hegelian Philosophical Category and Its ...
Philosophy in the form of dialectics has to become an integral part of the positive empirical sciences (related to human social/historical practice, technology etc.) that originated with primitive man. But what was previously unconscious and rather instinctive, dialectics after Hegel becomes a consciously scientific method of acquiring positive Knowledge of the history of Man and the World, actively changing the world to progressively narrow the contradiction between the two, but without any end, ever. As Engels said, “What still independently survives of all former philosophy is the science of thought and its laws - formal logic and dialectics. Everything else is merged in the positive science of nature and history.' Anti-Dühring,
But what’s of post-Hegelian philosophy? If natural science, in spite of its phenomenal achievements still finds itself begging at the door of theology, it has the satisfaction of seeing philosophy sink lower still. Modern philosophy maintains (as Engels put it) a pseudo existence in the state appointed academia, where, position-hunting, cobweb-spinning eclectic flea-crackers occupy the chairs of philosophy. Instead of looking for profound truths in the wide world of nature and human society like their predecessors, these namesakes either work openly as the apologists of monopoly capitalism or look inwards to “self” (existentialism) or to language(linguistic philosophy) etc. ad nauseam to hunt for absolute truth.
Stephen Hawking is absolutely right when he says: “In the eighteenth century, philosophers considered the whole of human knowledge, including science, to be their field and discussed questions such as: Did the universe have a beginning? However, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, science became too technical and mathematical for philosophers, or anyone else except a few specialists. Philosophers reduced the scope of their inquiries so much that Wittgenstein, the most famous philosopher of this century, said, ‘The sole remaining task for philosophy is the analysis of language.’ What a comedown from the great tradition of philosophy from Aristotle to Kant!”. S Hawking, “A Brief History of Time”, Bantam Books, p. 174-175 (1990)
But it is modern natural science that is hiding its bankruptcy and confusion under the mystery of mathematics and like an ostrich is burying its head in the sand of causality and determinism. The philosophy of Heraclitus, Epicurus, Hegel, Marx and Engels means nothing to it. Modern natural science, has come under total subjugation of monopoly capital, and has dishonoured the great tradition set by Copernicus, Galileo and Darwin. A natural science, which was once inspired by the revolutionary bourgeoisie and created these giants of science, has now become a lap dog of reactionary/regressive monopoly capital. Modern natural science wants to bring back the absolutist and obscurantist science of feudalism to serve the interest of moribund monopoly capital. It is churning up a “complete theory” of exquisite mathematical beauty and of absolute validity for all eternity; a theory, which has no empirical foundation. Like modern philosophy, present day natural science has reduced its scope to mere application of the absolute truth it has attained in the realm of nature. Only those facts that conform to this truth are of interest to science, those that do not, remains in the realms of the Creator or at best are Kantian “thing in itself”. Thus, we have not only a “comedown from the great tradition of philosophy” but a comedown from the great tradition of natural science too.
G.W.F. Hegel said, “All that is real is rational; and all that is rational is real.”; but with the important qualification, “The reality proves itself to be the necessary in the course of its development.”
As Frederick Engels extrapolated on Hegel’s dialectical statement, “… so, in the course of development, all that was previously real becomes unreal, loses it necessity, its right of existence, its rationality. And in the place of moribund reality comes a new reality capable of living — peacefully if the old has enough intelligence to go to its death without a struggle; forcibly if it resists this necessity. Thus, the Hegelian proposition turns into its opposite through Hegelian dialectics itself: All that is real in the sphere of human history, becomes irrational in the process of time, is therefore irrational by its very destination, is tainted beforehand with irrationality, and everything which is rational in the minds of men is destined to become real, however much it may contradict apparent reality of existing conditions. In accordance with all the rules of the Hegelian method of thought, the proposition of the rationality of everything which is real resolves itself into the other proposition: ‘All that exists deserves to perish’ *”. "Ludwig Feuerbach"
It is obvious that the monopoly capitalism of the present time, with its parasitic economic, political, military etc., domination of humanity and its decadent ruling idea based on concocted mathematical theories of physics (and cosmology), has become vulnerable to conscious and active resistance and CHANGE!
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*The words of Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust:. “Alles was entsteht, Ist wert, daß es zugrunde geht!”