Dear Pool experts,

I hope you are all healthy. I write to you with some questions about the Coronavirus and public swimming pools.

In the Netherlands, we are now several weeks after the first Corona-peak. The number of new infections and hospitalisations are reduced every day and we are planning to pick up our "normal" routine again. As we don't want a second Corona-peak, we are planning small steps. We hear from surrounding countries that they are planning to reopen public swimming pools and we get daily questions about it from Dutch pool owners.

Before we are reopening public pools, we would like to advise them about the Coronavirus in relation to chlorinated public swimming pools.We have studied available scientific publications, but three questions remain.

Jan Bakker and me prepared a short publication as discussion for these three questions about disinfection, the release of the coronavirus by swimmers and the route of transmission in swimming pools.

We hope that you can help us with the answers to these questions.

Kind regards, Maarten Keuten Researcher Swimming Pools

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