Dear researchers,

I am preparing a pre-/post test experiment for which I have an important question. I plan to do an intervention study that focusses on enhancing the independent psychological variables "mindfulness", "personal values awareness", "intrinsic values orientation" and "autonomy (self-concordance) of goals" of individuals. I plan to analyze how this intervention affects the dependant variables "goal engagement", "goal attainment", "subjective well-being", "psychological well-being" and certain health conditions like "depression", "anxiety" of the participants.

My specific question is, am I able to see how each of the independent variables contributes to each of the dependent variables. E.G. how "personal values" as one specific variable that was manipulated has affected each of the dependent variables. Or is it not possible to measure the causlities of each of the manipulated variables, because I manipulate 4 at a time? For me as a researcher it would be interesting to show causalities through my intervention and not only correlations.

It would be awesome to get some answers, as I am new to the methodoloy of experiments.

Best whishes


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