Polymeric particles of a broad mass spectrum and irregular structure are spontaneously formed in a glow discharge in vapors of organic compounds. Problems begin when it is necessary to obtain particles of only a certain size or a certain internal structure. For more details see Andreeva A.V., Kutsarev I., Shatsky A. V., Shterenberg A.M., Zyn V.I. Pre-polymerization kinetics in continuous and pulsed glow discharge in tetrafluoroethylene. Plasma Processes and Polymers., 2014, V. 9, No. 8, 772-781 или монографию В.И.Зынь. Предполимеризация в плазме. Самара, СНЦ РАН, 2016. Имеется в продаже на кафедре физики Самарского педуниверситета. Цену не знаю.