If the absorption spectra of the dye and perovskite are complementary, then it will help. Perovskite absorbs strongly in some part of the EM spectrum and the dye absorbs strongly in the other part of the EM spectrum and both of them contribute to total charge carriers generated.
But if their spectra are overlapping, both of them compete for the photons. Which of the two absorbs light strongly will depend on the individual spectral overlap of the absorption spectra of the dye and perovskite with the solar spectrum and the relative extinction coefficients.In such a case, it is better to have a dye only device or a perovskite only device.
Just calculate the product given below at each wavelength for (1) Dye only device (2) Perovskite only device and (3) Mixture of dye and perovskite device
Extinction coefficient x Charge separation efficiency x Charge collection efficiency