I am starting RT-qPCR to study the activity of the promoter of a gene present on a recombinant plasmid in E. coli. This is known to be a stationary-phase promoter. Samples would be taken from different steady states from a chemostat, each corresponding to a particular growth rate. So, I expect the target promoter should be expressed high at low growth rates (mimicking starvation). My problem is that no matter which reference gene I choose for normalisation, I think it is impossible to expect its expression to be steady over different growth rates since growth rate is a parameter with such global effects on the transcriptome. What is your take on this? Also, the effects of growth rate on the plasmid copy number and hence available copies of the target gene for transcription must also be taken into account during normalisation. Should I check multiple candidate reference genes from genome and plasmid?

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