I wanna analyze bacteria using SEM . To do that, I need to maintain the growth conditions. So, I wonder whether or not I can control the temperature in SEM sample chamber so that I can grow bacteria during analysis?
SEM cihazında in-situ HOLDER lar olmalıki SICAKLIK yada başka bi parametreyi dışardan değiştirebilesin ve kayıt altına alabilesin. Ama firmalar genelde SEM lerin baz modelini yani in-Situ olmadan satarlar:(((. Kullandığınız cihaz için ek donanım olarak in-situ varsa deneylerini yapabilirsin. Ama cihazın hakkında da bilgi vermemissin.
There are specialized SEM's made for this purpose called environmental SEMs with a hot stage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_scanning_electron_microscope
I see that you are at Utah State, I know that IBM has an ESEM that may do what you want and they are not extremely far away. Here is the link to the contact information http://microscopy.byu.edu/Contact.aspx
Are you planning to grow bacteria colony in an SEM? Can your bacteria survive without oxygen? Without water (only vapor)? If yes, you can try ESEM (it should be equipped with optional Peltier stage).
Using ESEM you can control the temperature (0-1000°C) and you should use Peltier stage. If you read more about ESEM and its application, here is an article:
"Wet STEM: A newdevelopment in environmental SEM for imaging nano-objects included in a liquid phase"
A. Bognera,b,, G. Tholleta, D. Bassetb, P.-H. Jouneaua, C. Gauthiera