I have published two book chapters and have one book contract with CRC press.
To your question, well its not bad to publish with CRC press (which is part of the Tailor Francis group). Perhaps to pose a more meaningful question you need first determine your goals in publishing a book or chapter. I am not an expert on publishing with all the publishing houses, but there is are differences; some publishing houses more rigorous than others. This experience has been gained with publishing with CRC press, Copenhagen Business School Press, and an upcoming chapter on governance with Routledge.
There are different level publishers where CRC press is tier 2, whereas Cambridge press or Harvard press is tier 1. It is much harder to get accepted in a tier 1 than 2.
You can of course publish directly on Amazon but the quality of books vary even more and are probably tier 2 at best. Publishing with a tier 2 publisher takes approx 6 months to get you book content to the level it needs to be published whereas for Amazon is can be as quick as 2 weeks. Clearly a difference in quality.
So you decision where to publish should be based on your publishing objectives and if you can get a contract with the publisher of your choice.
It is very good to publish with CRC Press. CRC Press has earned its reputation for quality with many excellent publications. CRC Press provides its authors with strong professional and technical support.