So called free economy, yet doctrines with disparity of have and have nots. Considerable ambitions yet to translate energies into participating economy but curbed living all life crossing impossible triggers so tightly caped with unbearable conditions as prerequisite to fulfill. Whole lots of energy goes on wasting to get your blue print actually realize and take shapes as ambitiously perceived results in negating healthy participations/competition. A kind of compromise with potential possibilities of inclusive growth and uplifting society in general.
Pricing, recognition, rewards and awards seems suffocated to name sake. I doubt the implementation of deep studies and thereby recommendation to change existing pattern of economy that foresee inclusive approach at large is negated considering to abide with fewer interests.
The masses choices are compromised due to artificially generated triggers meant to be favoring some very small section (HAVES). Hence, studies are to be made by eradicating all such triggers so as to conclude a planned economy that should benefit all converging the concept of haves by removing all triggers that advocates have not.
Things are simple, provided unbiased realistic points driven based on data collected with inclusive approach are considered for studies and results established to be recommended to formulate and regulate the polices.
The areas of deficit and surplus at global level are to be identified and should be addressed with technical, financial and inclusive participation.
Elements of hijacking economy into fewer hands is a matter of our experience that is already being witnessed through centuries. It is quite convincing, that it did not work so well when assess the situation and weight the suffering due to absence of inclusive approach.
Money buys money have proved to be sacrificial on inclusivity. This mechanism is to be thoroughly investigated underling certain powerful triggers to be eradicated so as to invite fair assured and respectful returns added and supported with policies to attract have nots strata of society.
Scared with uncertainties cause hoardings of valuable assets unused that results in un exploitable potentials, which is mainly due to have nots lack of confidence in prevailing conditions. Minimize the risk and guarantee the respectful assured returns to the masses gone untapped from centuries, as a results caused unbearable sufferings to unprivileged.