Gravity has puzzled modern researchers in its inability to be incorporated into the unification models and in its lack of microscipic origin. I proposed a way to call this aim complete by discrediting gravity.

A solution might be to disgard it as force, a path taken by Einstein in GR in 4D.

However, few advanced this path. My idea is that gravity should be seem as a force by convetion, a pragmatically labeled as a force one because systems described by thevpresence of this phenomrnon or effect are equivalent to systems with real forces. This unification of forces is complete.

The New problem is to give rational or justification of this convention. If we stand with GR, we must give reasons the spacetime in presence of mass gives geodesic motion that resembles force-mediated motion in 3D.

There must be a category of phenomena that share many aspects of common force dynamic phenomena but are not genuine.

Also, there must be something unique with spacetime that generates these. Maybe at its macroscipic level some phenomena lead to this behavior, which is pseudodynamics.

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