Is eating millets better than rice and which millet is super-food and what happens if we eat millets without soaking and side effects of foxtail millet?
Your three questions are complex and need different answers. The first, "Is eating millet better than rice," is too broad. For example, which rice and which millet are you referring to? What are the diets of people eating rice where millet could be a substitute?
In Thailand; in about 1963, some upland crop (corn) farmers grew fingermillet (Setaria sp.) job tears (Coix sp. good for health..more amylopectin starch) for preparing sweet dish. shallu sorghum for pop sorghum and other mllet (proso millet) for bird feed. One Australian professor or former ICRISAT center director who wrote SORGHUM book should know more information.
Barnyard Millet has the highest dietary fiber and iron content compared to all other millets and cereals like rice and wheat. With a low glycemic index, consuming this millet can benefit not only type 2 diabetics but also anyone on a health food diet.Having a high source of macronutrients like fibre and protein along with vitamins and minerals such as calcium and magnesium millets are named as 'super food'. Millets in the category of 'super food' include sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet, foxtail millet, and buckwheat among others. The expert says that millets are the better option compared to rice and wheat. Unlike wheat, they are gluten free and unlike all types of rice they have a lower glycemic index. Also, with every millet, you get to taste something different and experiment differently. Although rice also offers some vitamins and proteins, millets have higher compositions of essential minerals and vitamins. In comparison, the overall profile of rice is not as healthy as millets. Soaking, sprouting or fermenting the millets before eating them is important; otherwise the phytic acid present in them could reduce the absorption of other nutrients. People having hypothyroidism should avoid millet consumption as they contain goitrogens that may interfere with iodine absorption. However, consuming large amounts of foxtail millets may cause bloating, gas, and indigestion. People with thyroid issues or those who are on medication for thyroid-related problems should consult a doctor before consuming foxtail millets.