I want to use DEA techniques to benchmark national industrial sectors using harmonized input-output tables, assuming that output is homogeneous across countries (as long as the output is traded, it is not such an heroic assumption).
Efficiency here would look at how sectors of activities use inputs (as given by the IO tables) in producing output compared to their trade partners.
When looking at the literature, I was surprised to find only one paper directly related to this topic (Guido Cella & Giovanni Pica: Inefficiency Spillovers in Five OECD Countries, 2001).
This rings a few bells, as either I did not look where I should, or the DEA approach is not suitable (indeed, most DEA analysis are done at firm level and not on aggregated data).
So, this is my question: Has DEA been used for my purpose. If yes, where could I find the papers (if possible publicly available)? If not, why? Thanks in advance. Hubert