Hi there! Im running a qpcr right now. For negative control, I had two samples that is contain DNA template but supposedly undetected by my primer (I've checked this on primer BLAST) and NTC.

However, in the replicates I've got 2 wells out of 6 that is detected, one of them is ct 33 and the other is ct 36. If I decided to just rule this out as cross contamination, or might be primer dimer is that alright? I've read a journal that decided to make that ct > 30 in negative control means negative, but the thing is that from the standard curve I also want to obtain LOD result. And some of them got >35 in 0.0001 ng/uL result.

Does this means that I also have to rule everything including my positive sample which beyond ct > 30 means negative?

The thing is that the rest of the data is quite good and thats why if possible I wanna avoid having to re-do the qpcr.

Or... is that possible that primer could detect a sequence that is not listed on primer BLAST?

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