There is growing interest in understanding the economics of climate change. There are few studies which are looking at the economics of ocean acidification. I would like to know what approaches are currently being undertaken.
Coastal Climate Blueprint is an Australian decision-support tool that provides information on the consequences of climate-driven change on marine life and dependent socio-economic sectors. It does not address ocean acidification directly but is an interesting bio-economic model.
Sarah Cooley (formerly Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, now works at Ocean Conservancy) led an effort to develop and integrated assessment model (IAM) with a three-pronged approach. The model tries to tackle how changes in ocean biogeochemistry will impact the fisheries industry in the US. There is a biogeochemical model that incorporates ocean acidification, a scallop population dynamics model (the pilot test species for the IAM), and an economics model--all coupled. The paper was recently submitted to PLOS ONE and is under review.