I'm looking for co-authors for an article on animal rights in environmental eductaion. Any interested social scientists, education specialists or animal ethics researchers?
I study the relationship between human pressure and ecosystems. Often animal rights are protected by protected areas. What can be the role of an urban forest, as well as to protect and preserve plant and animal species?
I am looking at the types of articles written by Michael Bonnett in environmental education and environmental ethics/animals rights perspectives in articles published by journals of env. ethics
Chcek my publication list: I can provide you with the theoretical ethical framework - and have taught animal ethics to vets, biotech, natural resource, animal research etc. students and researchers for 10 years. We might be able to figure something out
Please make an Email to [email protected] and share your proposal. Dr. Anant Sharma is good friend of mine. He is active sociologist working at The M S University of Baroda, India. He is not available on RG. So, you are requested to be in touch with him through Email.