15 Questions 248 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Neeraj K. Sethiya
Which one is more preferable for improving citation and h.index. Please suggest with explanation.
05 May 2015 1,160 1 View
Both terms are frequently used in scientific literature for predicting antibacterial activity. Many times classification changes As in case of Lincomycin.......some suggest it is bacteriostatic,...
05 May 2015 4,558 1 View
Please suggest some journal having higher impact factor and publish review article on poultry feed supplement.
12 December 2014 8,197 0 View
Is it universal impact factor other then thomson reuters or individual for particular journal. It has also seen that the word SJR is used more frequetly for most of the journal. How could we...
11 November 2014 926 0 View
As viruses become day to day smarter and develop resistance by modifying his own gentic makeup to most of the fixed dose molecules. Is it possible to treat such viruses cases with varying degree...
11 November 2014 5,634 3 View
There are very few unique plant metabolites for creating differentiation in chemical composition among extracts. In practice, many herbal formulations containing more than 3 herbal extracts are...
10 October 2014 8,616 9 View
Is there any report, which says that bacteria develops resistant to any chemical of any origin and that of other than antibiotics.
09 September 2014 1,715 7 View
Please let me know which value is more reliable for minimum inhibitory concentration determination. What is the basic difference in both?
09 September 2014 8,952 26 View
Dear Friends,I am delighted to share with you that after the grand success of SPER 3rd Annual Conference which was held at Lovely Professional University [LPU], Punjab on 08th March 2014. Society...
09 September 2014 8,463 0 View
In India specially in pharma field, students not preferred pharmacognosy subject for the career development. Can any one focus, whether this is the situation of India only or worldwhile. Why?
08 August 2014 4,310 0 View
Many times in various communication refree asked to perform HPLC rather than HPTLC for the analysis. Why it so?
08 August 2014 7,766 6 View
Formulation preparared with herbal for animal helath comes under the purview of which agencies. From where we can obtain free sale certificate?
07 July 2014 7,877 0 View
I am searching for some probiotics which can help with the production of diseaseless poultry. The beneficial effects of these bacteria may prevent gut related disease of poultry
07 July 2014 3,132 8 View
We want to design herbal based formulation for CRD
05 May 2014 991 4 View
see above
04 April 2014 2,473 1 View