03 March 2015 3 4K Report

Hello all,

I am a current MS student completing the thesis project on the transformation of smectite to illite within mixed layer Illite/Smectites with depth and its relation to thermal maturity. I have a good handle on the preparation of the clay fraction, but have several questions on the correct treatments necessary to get at the data I am needing.  I am currently planning on extracting the clay minerals via centrifuge and transferring to glass slides by the vacuum and filter method. So far, I know that I must run both air-dried and glycolated samples, but am unsure if heat-treated samples are necessary for the clay minerals involved. The clay minerals I expect to encounter are illite, kaolinite, chlorite, mixed layer illite/smectite, and possibly a very small amount of Illite/Chlorite/Vermeculite. I am under the understanding that mixed layer Illite/Smectite is easily identifiable from their EG diffraction pattern and does not share peaks with the other clay minerals involved. Therefore, My main questions are as follows:

1. Are heat-treated samples necessary to distinguish between the clay minerals that are expected to be present, or can all needed identifications be completed by comparing the air-dried and EG diffractograms?

2. If heat treatment is necessary, is only 1 heating to 375 degrees C sufficient? From my research, it seems that identification of all expected mixed layer clays collapse at this temperature, and the remaining two minerals, chlorite and kaolinite, can be identified by the chlorite (004) and kaolinite (001) peaks in the air-dried state. 

3. If I am advised that heating to 550 degrees C is necessary, is it acceptable to skip heating to 375 degrees separately and simply do one heating stage at 550 since none of the clays included react differently between the 375 and 550 heatings?

Any help is greatly greatly appreciated. I am attempting to complete this project without the guidance of a clay mineralogist, as there are none employed at my university. As I stated above, I believe I am competent in understanding the data I will receive from the XRD analysis, I just simply cannot find a solid answer on what treatment steps are necessary. Time is certainly an important factor for my project deadline, so I would hate wasting time on unnecessary treatments and the re-running of samples. Thank you for taking time to read my question.

Zachary Strong

The University of Akron

[email protected]

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