Software package are readilty available in Market. lkeAPI-650, API-620, AWWA D100, API-653, UL-142, EN14015 (later), AWWA D103 etc.
Steel Fabricated Water Sedimentation Tanks ensures crystal clear filtration and recycling of water which is mixed with marble slurry, hence, keeping the environment pollution free. Supply of clean water to machines enhances fast cutting of stone as well as more production and tool life.The process of filtration involves the collection of slurry mixed water from the machine in a underground tank. Here water is chemically treated by injecting chemical through state of art dozing pump for separation of water from slurry. Then chemically treated water is pumped through a battery of heavy duty slurry pump to conical tank. Here slurry settles down in the cone of tank and clear water over flows in another tank which supplies clear slurry free water to machine. The deposited slurry in conical tank in removed through a heavy duty sluice value at the bottom of tank directly in to truck tanker for disposing slurry at prescribed site in order to maintain pollution free environment
Ref; Housebuilding: A Do-It-Yourself; Design codes Guide By R. J. DeCristoforo.(e-book is availale)