Based on Chvorinov's formula, Caine developed equation which is normally used for risering design. Please see the following book for different formulae.
For ductile iron in CO2 moulds, the following equation may be used.
X = 39.44 / (27.78 - Y)
Book Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 1 Foundry, Forming and Welding
Chvorinov's formula is an expansion of one directional heat flow to three dimensions. Because of the assumptions made, the value of the exponent changes and the constant becomes mostly empirical. We showed that the solidification time can be written as V^(2/3) k^(4/3) where V and k are volume and shape factor, respectively. You can find the publications here:
The Chvorinov rule calculates the solidification time of a casting. The dimensions of the casting are charcterised by the volume over surface ratio. The solidification time is proportional to the square of this ratio. The proportionality constant is dependent of the thermophysical properties of the mould material. see eg John Campbell's book Castings (Butterworth)
it is important theory in solidification and you can calculate the solidification time for the case and also the riser and so you can use it to calculate the riser dimensions and number need to have a sound cast