Clarification: The term global warming is wrong as some places do not see the average temperature rising continuously and annual average global temperature is only a statistical gimmick.

IPCC and the scientific establishment have been repeating this CO2 culpability, but I could not find a single academic review that ascertain it. Stips et al (2016) say that recently increasing CO2 levels carry the blame because so far no other explanation has been found. Reconstructions of CO2 content in the past vary along with the temperature cycles. However, the data are not precise enough to determine whether the Earth warming followed a CO2 rise or vice versa (Parrenin et al, 2013). As the melting of the last ice age began, CO2 levels rose but not before the warming event (Clark et al, 2009). Physicist Freeman Dyson explains that, to understand what drives the climate, we should investigate its interaction with all Carbon reservoirs, not just the atmosphere and ocean, but also the vegetation, topsoil and fossil fuels (Lemonick, 2009). Forestry researchers now complain that current climate models do not adequately consider the complex forest-atmosphere interactions such as the rate and magnitude of evapotranspiration generating low pressure regions, carbon accumulation, aerosol emissions, fog capture and changes to Earth surface and cloud albedo (Ellison et al, 2017).

Clark, Peter U. et al (2009) “The last glacial maximum”, science, 325, pp 710-

Ellison, David et al, (2017) “Trees, forests and water: Cool insights for a hot world”, Global Environmental Change 43, 51–61

Lemonick, Michael (2009) "Freeman Dyson Takes on the Climate Establishment", e360-Yale,

Parrenin F. et al (2013) "Synchronous Change of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature During the Last Deglacial Warming", science, vol 339, march, pp 1060-

Stips, Adolf, et al (2016) “On the causal structure between CO2 and global temperature”, Nature, Scientific Reports, 6:21691, DOI: 10.1038.

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