I am interested in a LTI system

x_dot = A*x + B*u

y = C*x + D*u

(M*q_ddot + C*q_dot + K*q = f)

such that

f = vector of external forces

q = vector of displacements

u = [0 f^T 0]^T

x = [q q_dot]^T

y = [q^T q_dot^T q_ddot^T]^T

u is a vector of forces

A = [ 0   I

-M^-1*K -M^-1*C]

M is a mass matrix, C is damping matrix and K is stiffness matrix (all of them positive definite or semidefinite)

all of the eigenvalues of A has negative real part

I need to know whether exists a constant e such that

>= e * || y ||

If y = [q^T q_dot^T]^T and u = [0 f^T]^T (displacements and velocities only), I have shown that exists a constant e such that  >= e * || y || (through Lyapunov equation), but I cannot find it when considering accelerations (D not equal to zero matrix). My conjecture is that the systems is still strictly output passive.

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