My mom has just been operated on for cataracts in her dominant eye about a month ago. She had an aspheric monofocal IOL counterbalancing corneal spherical aberration implanted to theoretically get +0.1µm of SphAb (~6mm pupil size) in the whole eye. It was successful with 20/20+ for distance without correction. Now in the unoperated eye she can see 20/50- without correction, going up to 20/25+ with correction for distance. She is 62 and has been using progressive spectacles for the last 15 years.
The questions are:
One eye with AsphIOL and other eye cataract with distance vision 20/50- sc, 20/25+ cc, is it time to operate on the second eye? Why?
Which IOL to be implanted in the second eye? Why?
A properly selected aspheric monofocal IOL to provide similar quality between eyes for distance vision?
Monovision on the second eye? How much?
Segmental bifocal MIOLs in the second eye?
A diffractive MIOL? (bifocal?, trifocal?, apodized?)