A young patient has has a new onset of persistent aPTT derangement, around 20 seconds above the upper limit of the reference range. No spontaneous bleeding episode but increased bleeding post venipuncture, one-off episode epistaxis, oral mucosal bleeds on and off, hematuria on and off, none of which can be explained by other definitive local causes. Full evaluation and complete coagulation assessment has been non-revealing. LA absent, no coagulation factor deficiencies or inhibitors found. Mild elevation of Homocysteine (30) was the only other laboratory abnormality related to coagulation, but has not had any clinical significance. Liver panels, PT/INR, platelets etc all unremarkable.

Patient has earlier undergone surgical procedures including teeth extraction uneventfully, with old coagulation reports being normal.

What could be the cause? Any articles relating to unexplained coagulation abnormalities and their clinical significance?

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