Hi everyone!

I'm performing transwell assay for MDA-MB-231 cells, but surprisingly no cells invaded after 20h incubation. I don't have much materials so my troubleshooting experiments are limited, that's why I would like to ask if someone could advice on this? So, why don't they invade?

The protocol I used is as following:

1. Starve cells in serum-free medium for 24 prior to transferring to the transwell insert

2. Dilute 1 part of Geltrex with 4 parts PBS (everything cold and on ice, including tips), coat each insert 100 ul/each, let solidify for 1 h in the incubator

3. Collect cells via trypsinization, count, seed 130 k/insert in 200ul serum-free medium

4. Add 650 ul of medium with 10% FBS to the bottom chamber

5. Incubate for 20 h

6. Remove medium, wash 2 times with PBS, remove the cells from the inner part of the insert using a cotton swab.

4. Fix with 4% PFA for 20 min

5. Wash 2× with PBS

6. Stain with crystal violet for 10 min

7. Wash 3× with PBS

8. Microscopy

So, where I think it might go wrong:

1. Is 130k of the cells enough (it's a 24-well plate transwell insert). Should be, but now I hesitate

2. Maybe the concentration of Geltrex is too high and they just couldn't degrade it?

3. When I was discarding a medium (step 6) I used aspirator, could it be the cause? As far as I understand the method, invaded cells should have already attached to the bottom of the chamber, but if aspiration somehow could detach them?

4. Could I remove them with a cotton swab somehow from the outer part of the membrane, since they were not fixed yet?

I did not remove all the cells from the edge of the bottom, and the cells which stayed on the upper part of the membrane were visible, so fixation and staining don't seem a problem.

Thank you in advance!

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