I have some EPMA mineral chemistry data of albite and K-feldspar which are formed by metasomatic process. The analyses were done at 15keV/10nA with 1-2micron beam.
1. What are the various plots I can attempt for interpretation?
2. Whether I can use two-feldspar-geothermobarometry? Reference if any.
3. The FeO content is significant (0.1 to 2.5%). Could it be due to sub-micron sized iron rich phase (oxide/sulphide) within feldspar nanopores, I am not sure.
4. Is it possible that Fe ion occurs as a part of feldspar mineral structure? Fe+3 replacing Al+3 may be possible, but can Fe+2 take the void spaces in crystal lattice of feldspar?
Please guide me if you have worked on similar data or any references. Thank you