Greetings, I am trying to understand how the information travels in subsonic flows from a microscopic perspective. From computational physics point of view, the flow field can be described as elliptic in nature and there are no real characteristics. I know that every point in the flow field depends on every other point in the flow field implying it eventually depends on the boundaries of the flow field if there exist any.

Assuming a flow field at rest, if a disturbance is introduced into the system the information propagates through pressure waves. But from a microscopic point of view, I can only imagine information propagating by collisions with particles. But is it the complete the picture of it ? Because in Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method, the velocities before and after collisions cannot be correlated and i don't seem to understand the information travel.

Am i failing to understand something deeper on the information travel in subsonic flows ?

P.S. I am trying to understand this for application in micro-fludics using DSMC method.

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