Project based learning rely more on group work rather than individual work. What do you think the group/individual assessment weight ratio should be? In my PBL course, that ratio was 3:1. Any feedback?
It depends on the purpose of the assessment. If individuals, their knowledge, skills or dispositions for certain approaches are the focus then weighting in that direction gives them the opportunity for success. On the other hand the group effort must of course attract a significant weighting to avoid apathy, as Gunnar suggests.
I have experienced projects where group-based PBL is accompanied by the need for individuals to keep a project diary, from which an individually assessed weighting is derived. This assists in focusing students on the group work, but also encourages some individual work for which they receive some credit. This is very useful in determining individual learning in PBL courses, and depending on how the diary is promoted, a useful overview of personal learning characteristics. Where the diary is kept online and available to others, others may also benefit from individual learning experiences.