The key question we have is the effect of dissolved oxygen, as a function of water depth, in paddy field water, which will facilitate the growth of the rice plant. Dissolved oxygen is directly related to Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), and thus ORP will vary with depth of water in the field. We also know, that when ORP is negative, the carbon in the soil and ammonium in the fertilizers will form methane and nitrous oxide, both earth warming gases. It will allow arsenic in the soil to become mobile.
So by increasing the ORP in this paddy field water with infusion of ozone nanobubbles, we can get three benefits: mitigation of methane and nitrous oxide and prevent migration of arsenic and other heavy metals.
However, if we increase ORP to higher positive value, do we negatively impact the growth of the rice plant? This is the question we are trying to answer. Any publications on this would be greatly appreciated.