التدريس الإلكتروني له محاسن ومساوئ وبالبدايه هي تعتمد علطالب ورغبته بالتعلم، بالنسبه لطلبه الابتدائيه أو المتوسطه اعتبره غير مجدي لان الطالب لم يأخذ المعلومه مباشر من الاستاذ رغم تعب بعض الاساتذه بالفعل والطرق الحديثه لتوصيل الماده عبر برامج معينه في الصف الإلكتروني وكذلك الطالب ماراح يلتزم بدراسه جديه كما هو مطلوب منه بالصف الفعلي وماراح يقرأ ويحضر عل وقت الدرس نفسه ومايلتزم سيما أنه عند الامتحان ممكن الطالب أن يفتح كتاب أو محاضره ويجاوب ولايعتمد عل دراسته الذاتيه وتخزينه الماده كما لو كان في الصف وكثير أمور أخرى في هذا الصدد موجوده من محاسن ومساوئ واولا واخيرا كما ذكرت تعتمد عل الطالب ورغبته في التعلم
It is one of the means that supports the educational process and its transformation from the stage of indoctrination to the stage of creativity, interaction and skill development, and collects all electronic forms of teaching and learning, where the latest methods are used in the areas of education, publishing and entertainment by adopting computers
In my opinion teenagers in these years need to be more socialize than being isolated from the society. e-learning make the students away from mutual communication and focusing merely on this type of learning can be harmful for next generation. however, using this type of learning in efficient way and align it with other aspect of mutual communication can help students in different aspects.
In my opinion, E-learning is good for higher education students to upper-level students. But not for a child or teenage students, because the maximum child or teenage students are not used to these types of leaning systems.
In my opinion, e-learning can be applied in any educational level. However, in elementary education, it must be accompanied by other tools and mechanisms such as tutoring, personnalisation, adaption, etc.
In my opinion it is possible that e-learning is good, as long as the teacher designs strategies that lead to obtaining the construction of knowledge in his or her subject, which guarantees a high level of abstraction and interpretation of facts and phenomena.