12 Questions 102 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Saeid Nosrati
Dear all, One way to detect the outlier of our dataset is Z-score. However, I can't find any reference that informs us about the cut-off level. Would you please tell me about the reliable and most...
27 January 2022 4,387 13 View
Dear researchers, I know how to run multilevel data in Mplus; But, with my data-set I always come through this error "One or more between-level variables have variation within a cluster for the...
10 October 2021 2,729 4 View
With multilevel analysis, I run a lot of data-sets in Mplus, however, I face the following error: "One or more between-level variables have variation within a cluster for the following clusters....
15 September 2021 1,181 3 View
Dear researchers, As I want to run multilevel models, I face some errors that I think originate from Grand Mean Centering or Group Mean Centering procedures. However, these two methods are somehow...
09 September 2021 3,024 4 View
Dear researchers, As I put all my effort to run multilevel analysis I encounter with these errors: 1- THE MODEL ESTIMATION DID NOT TERMINATE NORMALLY DUE TO AN ILL-CONDITIONED FISHER...
29 April 2021 5,131 6 View
Dear researchers, I need the questionnaire of ethical leadership. by searching a lot I cant find any questions or measures. Can I use ethical leadership questionnaire instead of unethical leadership?
02 March 2021 7,338 12 View
Dear researchers In order to measuring mediating role of variable in conceptual models, which method is much more validated and better to use? if you have any beneficial links or online notes...
01 July 2019 1,587 4 View
Dear researchers, I want to learn how to measure moderator variable with SPSS. If you have any resources or videos i will appreciate to share it with me.
24 June 2019 9,647 3 View
I am working on positive leadership concept and need standard questionnaire. Does anyone have the this standard questionnaire? please help me
25 May 2019 9,331 15 View
my thesis subject is about measuring innovation in banking. now my questions are these: 1.how can i measure innovation in a bank? since measuring innovation in service sector is so hard. 2. what...
25 February 2016 1,386 13 View
Dear researchers, As you know system dynamic methodology is suitable for those researches which done by longitudinal perspective. However, articles publishing in field Management (such as:...
01 January 1970 8,153 2 View
As a researcher in field of management, i sometimes feel exhausted of using the same methodologies and need something more flexible. can you enumerate some flexible and new methodologies in order...
01 January 1970 3,805 7 View