I prepared CuO Nanostructures with rough surface on copper substrate, and i have reflection data and it is difficult to measure the thickness of my sample, so which way is better to calculate band gab.
You can find energy gap without using thickness, this paper below illustrated that by using absorbance data only with the wavelength and by plot between 1/lamda on x-axis and (Absorbance/lamda)^2 on y-axis this for direct transition and by extrapolating the linear region and intersect with x-axis at 0 the find (1/lamda)=value and by reciprocal this value can you find lamda cutoff after that can use the relation to find energy gap Eg(eV)=1239.83/lamda cutoff (nm).
Your reflection data is proportional to alpha (the absorption coefficient). Then, you will construct the curves (alpha*E)^2 Vs E and (alpha*E)^0.5 Vs E (E=energy) for the determination of direct and indirect band gaps respectively that can easily obtained from the intesection of extrapolation of the linear part of the curve with the E axis.