Wanting to give a definition, we could say that lateral thinking tends to solve problems through an indirect approach, seeing the problem not from one but from different points of view, then indirectly. Having a problem whose solution seems to predict a single path of possible thought; through lateral thinking we will go looking for other ideas and insights that might not have the rigor of logic.

While vertical thinking is analytical, the lateral one is rather stimulating; if the vertical is consequential, that is follows the law of cause and effect in a sequential direction, the lateral thought can also proceed in fits and starts. Somehow as it happens between Newtonian physics (cause-effect) and quantum theory. That is, where it is necessary to be correct and rigorous thinking is analytical; in the case of lateral thought, instead, it is not necessary to make use of classifications and definitions. Unlike the vertical, is also accepted what is irrelevant and the case has a say and it is not absolutely necessary to make use of classifications and definitions.

Vertical thinking is mathematical or logical, rational, analytical and sequential. It is based on deductions, through the considerations that seem obvious and providing a sequence of steps, each of which must be justified. This procedure may inhibit the natural development of the idea.

Lateral thinking is different from the obvious considerations and tries, through creativity, alternative viewpoints, moving away from models that we normally use for reasoning. Using alternative viewpoints. lateral thinking proceeds by logical leaps and is based on intuition avoiding default sequences.

The two ways of thinking must be complementary. During group work, for example, lateral thinking is used in the diverging phase and vertical thinking during the convergent.

So, if you deal with a problem with the method of rational thought, the results are correct but limited by the rigidity of the logic models. When requesting instead a truly different and innovative solution you have to distort the reasoning, starting from the point as far as possible, reverse the data, mix assumptions, deny certain securities and even rely on associations of ideas completely random.

Often the most difficult dilemma lies in the formulation of problems.

When facing one of these, it is common practice to delimit it within a given framing and seek a solution within it. It is accepted as a proven data that a certain line represents the boundaries of the problem, and it is within these boundaries that logical thinking searches for solution. Very often, however, these boundaries do not exist in reality and the solution may be located outside of them.

Logic to be effective needs a precise context and rigidly defined. Certain preconditions must be accepted as true and can not be questioned.

One way to apply the analogical thinking is to use the data from a situation for another situation that is easier to examine, or is more known. In this way it is possible to switch from abstract considerations to concrete analogies.

An advantage of the use of analogies is that they normally use concrete images that suggest other images more easily than abstract ideas suggest other abstract ideas, with the result that the formation of ideas happens more smoothly.

The experience and ability of probabilistic research of the intellect allow you to automatically associate elements from different alternatives until a viable solution is reached.

The existence of homogeneity among the various natural systems allows to identify appropriate models for the representation of phenomena.

Reasoning or observations in a particular field can be conveyed to another and produce interesting consequences. The activity of breaking down into elements increasingly more simple and fundamental leads to identify axioms of mathematics. The rules of composition of the basic building blocks forms the body of mathematical techniques available. Identify the principles and axioms in mathematics foundation is a major goal of philosophical research. The principle of synchronicity arises at this level and states that the coincidence of stimuli, namely the superposition of signs, is a logical element that can not be eliminated in every cognitive process. Two events interact on the basis of their ability to be weighed at the same instant of  time.

In addition, two different systems can be compared on the basis of coincidences of events that occur in both. Such coincidences can identify invariances existing in the transition from one system to another. All this without the existence of a rigid relationship of cause and effect.

The synchronicity indicates a relationship between two systems of representation, without a direct link of cause and effect.

It is possible to reconstruct this relation analyzing the systems from a logical point of view and to identify the reason of the occurrence of coincidences.

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