I believe the message reflected by " Do unto others what you expect them do unto you " is quite revealing because sharing love and caring for others is the golden key to a satisfying life.
In my humble opinion, the steps towards a satisfying life are: to be knowledgeable, straightforward, honest, kind, forgiving, fair to every human being, non-racist, and open-minded.
If one has these attributes, then there will be no sense of guilt, rest of conscience, and tranquility of "mind, soul, and heart". My passing mother, God bless her, used to reiterate to me that a person who is greedy for massing money will always be tired & continuously not satisfied.
Be thankful to God for what you have, make a balance in dealing with the others, look to the filled side of the cup, work hard even if the results do not cop with ambition, and let everyday comes with a new hope.
After thanking God (Allah) for what He has given you in matter of knowledge and skills, share it with the others, in particular with your students and fellow reseachers.
Be contented and not absolutely complacent. Do things to improve yourself always without necessarily comparing or competing with either friend or colleague.
Be thankful to God and life itself since you’re a life, you can see, talk, walk. I do not know what you have done to have your lifestyle compare to those poor kids in the streets without eating, sleeping, caring. So, you want to be happy, it is easy! Start loves everybody and everything. Make happy the ones close to you and anyone that meets you even for a second. Smile, remember that life can be end in any minute. So, love and let it know to those you love them. You will see how happy you will be.
Having a good relationship with God, helping family and needed people, and knowing that everything in this life is temporary whatever is a good thing or a bad thing!