Hello, My teaching of listening to a class of 43 second-graders and talented class of 30 students in senior high school began in September 2018. Before the teaching started, I read lots of papers concerning effective strategies in theory and in practice in order to bridge the gap between my understanding of teaching listening and actual practice. A detailed lesson plan was then created and implemented in my classrooms. So scripted and polished pedagogical texts may be better.
Farangis - Authentic texts are the best because they give the first hand information and are the primary source of data. Scripted texts are interpretative in nature and depends on the understanding of writer. There is every possibility of misinformation and misinterpretation, prejudices and biases.
This is the reason that in case of doubt or clarification we resort to original texts. Scripted texts sometimes create confusion by providing wrong information, hence the purpose of original writing is lost.
Authentic texts are preferred to develop language skills of the students in Foreign Language Learning (FLL) Context. These text develop communicative competence of the students to their ability of producing the language in oral as well as in written form.