I just came across a really interesting point of view in a clinical manual by a leading author in clinical treatment in Spain, Miguel Ángel Vallejo. He claims, based on a study by Rude and Rehm (1991)*, that psychotherapy is most effective when it boosts already-existing capacities and skills, rather than when it focuses on ameliorating deficits. That seems to run counter to much of what I have seen before in psychotherapy; does this idea match your clinical experience, or do you have any additional bibliography that might support this claim Thanks a lot!

*The citation to this article is given as "Rude, S. S., & Rehm, L. P. (1990). Cognitive and behavioral predictors of response to treatments for depression. Clinical Psychology Review, 11, 493–514"; however, all I can find online is this other article, with a different name, although (apparently) similar content: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1992-06180-001

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