Rather than "changed" the educator or teacher should use "integrated" and "customized" by the needs of the toddlers or kindergarten students. I suggest Ms. Adita still use the last early childhood curriculum that you used but customize or integrate with the time and space distance because you could not meet the students directly.
In my opinion it would be a good opporunity to talk about curricular changes, but not only topic related. Why not reform the curriculum in a way that also children from homes with less parental support have the change to succeed? As long as the curriculum does not answer to the heterogenity, the corona situation will only strenghten the differences. If the corona situation can open a discussion that would lead to a structural reform in curriculums, it would be beneficial.
Yes the curriculum should be modified and not only this virus to handle any situation like war etc should be taught to the children to face the world in worst to worst conditions.
I think there are two issues. First point is the online teaching. If the taught programme is interesting then students can follow. However, the word interesting has many meanings like students involvements. teacher talking time, use of different resources, manner of teacher`s presentation and so on. The second area is the issue of Covid-19 and making students aware of the situation from the perspective of being part of the society where we have to help each other.
Pandeminin birinci yılında müfredat değiştirmek anlamlı değil,ancak yeni aktivite eğitim destekleri olabilir, örneğin hibrid eğitim, seyreltilmiş eğitim, ya da hafta içi aralıklı yapılan eğitim aktiviteleri olabilir.
Yes, the ECDE curriculum should be reviewed to include topics related to Emergencies like Covid-19 virus, floods, earthquakes and wars etc and ways of coping with these emergencies
Hi. I think due to pandemic and the new normal education which is distance learning, maybe early childhood curriculum must be flexible enough to integrate subjects / skills that are relevant in understamdimg the prevention/precautionary measures about virus that kids must know/understand 😊
Yes, I assumed the curriculum, leadership, school culture needs to be modified and tended to use remotely. But, I think psychology and counseling may be needed for personal growth.
I really don't think that the virus is the cause of changes. We have to listen more and adapt material to youngsters. Their needs are important. We have to centre education into their reallity and needs.
Although I teach middle school and high school age students, I think it should be in all schools curriculum, there is A lot of misinformation, rumor, and opinion that the students may hear and may assume that is the truth, we teachers need to be informed and be able to communicate intelligently from a science perspective, and also from a social perspective about the changes to our lives.
Not only the ECE but all even professional studies need an urgent attention for curriculum review. In the past year COVID-19 has changed our lives for ever. Even nursing profession needs revisiting of curriculum
Early Childhood curriculum needs parents involvement too. The teachers have to review the economy and situation critically
A change should be made in the curriculum in order to prevent high levels of fears and anxieties of children against virus and to convey that the virus can be prevented if necessary precautions are taken. In this way, the importance of cleaning, masks and distance should be explained and children should be adapted to the new normal and gain the skills to live with the virus.
One of the most important learning content area in early childhood curriculum is on "health and safety" which calls for a revisit due to the current situation brought by the pandemic covid-19 disease. Early childhood curriculum developers and educators need to review the curriculum and incorporate lessons on health and safety measures to prevent the spread of the disease.
Children must be aware of the current situation and they should be guided properly on how to prevent the spread of the disease. However, the presentation of the lesson should not scare the children or this should not create in them fear and anxiety. Present it naturally in like manner as we discuss with them other diseases like flu, pneumonia, cough, colds, headache, etc. and how these illnesses are acquired and treated properly. Tasks such as washing of hands properly, wearing masks to protect them not only from covid but also from pollution; eating proper diet or nutritious food, taking vitamins daily, having exercise, getting enough sleep, avoiding going to crowded places, etc. Video clips (animated) are very informative and entertaining to the kids. They will enjoy watching it and at the same time they will capture the lessons quickly because they are visual learners. It could also be incorporated in art lessons or drama and storytelling. Turn covid into an antagonist character and create a protagonist in the story. There are many ways to present "covid" as a challenging enemy of the body.
Parent education program is one of the best venues for sharing the "curricular reform" so that parents will become the teachers' partners in training the children on 'health and safety' measures. This should be a partnership endeavor since the children spend their time at home especially now that schools have adopted the "new normal teaching-learning modality."
By the way, I am an early childhood educator since 1983 after my graduation from college. I taught young children for two decades prior to my teaching job in the University. I am currently teaching major courses in early childhood education both in the undergraduate and graduate levels.
It is important to talk about live and living things and death...it is part of life. Talking to children about mental health from a young age can help them to understand their emotions, become more resilient and teach them how to look after themselves mentally as well as physically, it is important for their development. That was in the curriculum before, at least in the Spanish one. It should be present always, no?
Learning about mental wellbeing and health is just as important for kids as learning about other things too. We are teaching and learning how to be part of life. Concepts are important but in my opinion life is a bit more than concepts, no?
نعم اعتقد ان مناهج الدراسة بحاجة الى ان تتضمن ما يستجد في الحياة وبخاصة ان الوضع الحالي في العالم يحتاج الى التوضيح وتعليم طرق الوقاية وأسباب النجاة من وباء كورونا بل وحتى كيفية التعامل مع المصاب وسبل العلاج ,اعتقد ان ذلك سيؤثر ايجابيا على الحالة النفسية للطالب