Thank you for Olivier Sire's answer.I have analyzed the data in detail and refered to some papers. The peak position in second derivative is at 2934cm-1 and no band is observed at ~2854 cm-1. Most reported band for CH2 asym is around 2916~2932 cm-1, so I think there is no absorption of CH2 for the protein, maybe due to the unfavorable orientation. The band at 2934 cm-1 is probably originated from Fermi resonance between sym CH3 and the overtone of bend vibration band of CH3
I think it could be due to the orientation of the protein. Did you also check the range ~1450 -1380 cm-1,which is another spectral range of CH2 or CH3 groups.
The previous comment could be relevant if the protein is immobilized in a solid layer by example. Is it the case ? What is the protein environment (chemical) and its physical state : solid ? gel ? liquid ?
I have indeed immobilized the protein on MUA-modified Au electrode and the spectrum was recorded by adding the protein in the PBS solution to the cell.