6 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from li Zeng
For a long time, I am confused with the phrase thermodynamics and kinetics. In my opinion, thermodynamics reflect the possibility of interactions, and it is represented by parameters like...
13 May 2019 696 10 View
As I say in the title, except the fluorescence label and mutant methods, is there any other method to identify the orientation of a specific protein on lipid membranes ?
25 November 2015 1,575 10 View
I have fabricated a thiol-modified Au electrode by self-assembly method and I need to compare the potential of zero charge before and after the self-assembly. The only device I am accessible is...
18 April 2015 6,525 2 View
I have modified the Au electrode with negative-charged complex for EIS analysis. The redox probe is 1 mM Fe(CN)63- /Fe(CN)64- with 0.1M KCl. The result is displayed below. It is different from the...
24 September 2014 6,021 5 View
In my experiment, a kind of protein displays a band at 2931 cm-1 and I assign it to Vas(CH2), but the corresponding Vs(CH2) band at ~2854cm-1 didn't appear. So I am a little confused about the...
27 August 2014 8,400 6 View
I have done the experiment as the reference "Novel one-pot synthesis of 5-alkenyl-15-alkynylporphyrins and their derivatization to a butadiyne-linked benzoporphyrin dimer" provided, but I didn't...
11 July 2014 5,275 3 View