Papaya like cannabis is a diocecious plant which gives male or female expression.
In addition there is a hermaphrodite plant expression.
Genetically the female plant is homozygous for the gender gene.
There are two domiinan alleles MH for hermaphrodite and MM for a true male plant.
In a Cross of a hermaphrodite as a male to true female the plants woudl be one half genetically and one half genetically MH hermaphrodite.
In a cross using a true male as the pollen parent the expected segregation genetically is 50% MM ture male and 50% true female.
This expected ratio however is altered based on sexual gender plasticity where in poor resource environment you get more males and in rich resource environment you get more females.
It takes more resources to support a fruiting gender and than a pollen parent.
This phenomenon is called gender or sexual plasticity.