This is not technical question. This is not physics question. This is just your laziness and lack of understanding what you are doing. Trained monkey can press enter and have nice pictures, but when it comes to interpreting the results it fails. I am bit worried about the future of science if people keep asking this questions.
on the contrary, I should be worried. If you typed the correct keywords in the google it will give you answer straight away. Of course, if you know what those are, which brings back my original concern about complete lack of understanding and laziness. Understanding concept of k-space and Brillouin zones is the key in understanding your results.
In fact, many diffrent books, papers write about this, but it still no one can actual talk about the ‘meaing’. It's dependent on how deep you want to know about this. BUT i also think that you should read some renference on this, everyone who study on solids or molecules should konw about the basic concept of k-points. This is just the basic course, every bachelor of physics, chemistry,material science should know about this (if you work with solids or molecules).