I am currently modelling a BRB member. And I tried to connect nodes between core and tube by using axial connector. This requires me to add wire features between the nodes of core and tube. I tried to modify the input file and import the file. However, it shows that the mesh is invalid and the warning messages below:
Warning: Permission was denied for "abaqus.rpy"; "abaqus.rpy.948" will be used for this session's replay file.
The model "BRB_Modified" has been created.
WARNING: Empty part CORE. This occurred while reading keyword options within part definition.
WARNING: Empty part TUBE. This occurred while reading keyword options within part definition.
WARNING: Part instance CORE-1 references an empty part. A new part named CORE-1 will be created from the mesh data in part instance CORE-1.
The part "CORE-1" has been imported from the input file.
WARNING: Part instance TUBE-1 references an empty part. A new part named TUBE-1 will be created from the mesh data in part instance TUBE-1.
The part "TUBE-1" has been imported from the input file.
WARNING: Node-based surfaces are not yet supported in Abaqus/CAE. The following node sets have been created in place of the corresponding node-based surfaces so they can be used in Abaqus/CAE.
Node Set Created Node-Based Surface
------------------ --------------------
The section "ConnProp-1_CONNSECT-1" has been assigned to 128 wires or attachment lines.
The section "ConnProp-2_CONNSECT-1" has been assigned to 1 wire or attachment line.
The interaction property "INTPROP-1" has been created.
Warning: Mesh sets or surfaces have been invalidated due to changes to the mesh.
WARNING: The following keywords/parameters are not yet supported by the input file reader: