Hello Dear developers and Castalia Users and experts, I hope that you are doing well.
I am working on path loss modeling in Body area Networks between a coordinator and 5 sensor nodes. I defined mathematically my path loss model for free space and on-body communications.
I want to implement this model in Castalia 3.3 under “Wireless channel module”, to evaluate the performance of the proposed BAN. I found that in Castalia they implemented the “Lognormal channel model”.
Thus, I wanted to know, is it possible to use the same implemented code by replacing the lognormal path loss model equation and their parameters with my own pathloss model with their parameters in Wireless channel.cc file ?
This is my path loss model in free space and human body environments :
PLFS (dB)= 92.44 + 20log(f) + 20log (d) (Free space)
alphaBody (dB) = (521πσ×d)/√(ε_r ) (On Body)
Best regards