10 October 2014 44 911 Report

Childhood is the most beautiful phase of one's life and its pleasure gets magnified when one reminisces one's childhood with a great sense of nostalgia; but child labor process takes away the beauty of this phase. We already had the Conventions of the ILO with implications on Child Rights. The UN adopted the Child Rights Convention in 1989. The ILO again adopted Convention No. 182 on "the worst forms of child labor" in 1999. The real solution to the problem lies in putting every child in school, which child labour system deprives them. Despite monumental efforts for its abolition at the global level, we still have 168 million child laborers at the global level--the number  was  246 million in 2000. Thus, still it is a humongous task to restore the childhood to these child laborers, who have no real voice for arousing consciousness against this horrendous practice. . 

In view the above realities, what impact you think will the award  of 2014 Peace Nobel to the two--girl child education,  and child labour abolition--activists have on the child labor abolition issue?

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