Three years a go, while practicing to plot on Matlab, I randomly produced some interesting images. I saved the images but not the function that produced it. Is it possible to know what kind of function produced the image?
Sorry but it might not be possible as you can see in the picture, there are so many overlapping and line crossing which is practically impossible to detect and formulate an equation with the data points. And if I am not wrong, it is a 3D plot so, from 2D representation it is not possible to get the 3D values also. I don't intend to disappoint you.
In my opinion, you may give less focus to regenerate the function from the picture because it might take you to no where even after giving a devilish effort.
Bhaskar Ghosh Thank you for the replay! The image was generated by some parametrized periodic curve in 2D.
Actually, I am not spending time on recovering the function. But the question of possibility comes to my mined. I have some more images, which I could not regenerate exactly. I understand that this may not add anything to ....