Is it possible we grow low land rice seeds in soil instead of mud(without planting seedlings in mud). As we know planting in mud is difficult. I don't mean upland rice farming.Thanks for your comments.
Of course you can grow low land rice seeds directly in the soil, which require less labor and tend to mature faster than transplanted crops. In this method, plants are not subjected to stresses such as being pulled from the soil and re-establishing fine rootlets. However, they have more competition from weeds. Depending on the land preparation method used, direct seeding can be done in two ways: Dry direct seeding or wet direct seeding.
Let me ask a question, what is the purpose of doing that is that only for avoiding muddy soil in planting. As you know Rice is a semi aquatic plant, which mean it always need the continuous stream of water. Of course, this is what happens laterly in farming till near harvesting processes.
So, the big question will be, can we obtained economic yield from Rice under low water supply?
The answer will be. Yes
From my expertise, if you can maintain the soil at field capacity all the time of the growing season, the results will surprise you.
You can use another method, which are The System of Rice Intensification (SRI). The System of Rice Intensification is a methodology aimed at increasing the yield of rice produced in farming. It is a low water, labor intensive, organic method that uses younger seedlings singly spaced and typically hand weeded with special tools. It was developed in 1983 by the French Jesuit Father Henri de Laulanié in Madagascar. However full testing and spread of the system throughout the rice growing regions of the world did not occur until some years later with the help of Universities like Cornell.
Thanks for your information. Let me ask my question another way. Is it possible we plant rice like wheat without transplanting.I know rice is a semi aquatic plant. I know in upland rice farming farmers plant rice directly by seed and rain we support the plant and rice complete their life cycle.Of course yield is less than normal cultivation method of rice(Transplanting). But I want to know what happen to the seeds after direct seeding of rice(not upland rice varieties). If we control weeds with herbicides , do they(normal rice seeds) complete their life and do they initiate reproductive phase.Can we harvest yield successfully.If we have enough rain in the region, Is it (rain) enough for the growth of rice? In this case we can get ride of transplanting.thank you.
In puddle soil, pre-germinated rice seeds are broadcasted using power knapsack blowers carried by farmer workers. With proper management as regards water, nutrients and pests control, the yield could be substantial. In some irrigation schemes Malaysia, farmers practicing direct seeding method of rice cultivation harvest on the average, about 7.6 tons/ha of rice per cropping season. See this link