It is a systemic problem of adapting human higher education towards the Information Age, e.g. reinventing university, college and research institutions. You Alexander Ohnemus are right to observe that debt, unemployment and stagnation come in one delivery, in economic and scientific terms.
With respect to your query, Alexander Ohnemus , the following bigger picture or framework can be considered to find a reasonable answer to the triple crisis of debt, unemployment and stagnation:
The stagnation of economics (science) and the economy (practice), which is now reaching the point of regression (in terms of economic history), is one event.
The post-WW2 methodical tools of conjuncture are out of working capacity for the current body economic:
A) The whole fiat monetary system depletes the natural resources (infinite mathematical money creation vs. finite physical resources); as illustration, e.g.2.5 billion people in 1950, the global human population reached 8.0 billion in mid-November 2022.
B) The informatization of the economy is changing the interplay of land. capital and labor, which is not reflected in standard economics textbooks ( e.g. Conference Paper Money To Capital?
C) AI tools are disruptive to education, the economy and health sector; key ethical issues, with respect to human learning and labor, remain untouched, e.g. future of welfare systems in capitalist market economies, a learning that pays, alternative income models, person-centered health care.
Major consequences of these ‚mental‘ deficits:
Führer models are winning great attraction over market models of human society, with respect to the madness of the crowds, i.e. economic serfdom is on the rise over the liberty of the citizen, voter and customer. Armed conflict and natural disasters are multiplying, territorial tribalism reinforces these dangers.
Research ECO-LOGIC DEMOCRACY -The Geonomic Argument-
The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.