Gravity is a real physical force, not an 'artifact' of curvature (general relativity). My gravity-theory (see the paper/link mentioned below), based only on special-relativity, predicts that though particle & antiparticle attract, but "matter & antimatter would repel each-other". R.C. Gupta, ‘Gravity as Second-order Relativistic-Manifestation of Electrostatic-Force between Atoms of Two Bodies’,, May 2005.
Even 'general-relativity-tests' could be explained 'without general-relativity'; (see the paper/link below). R. C. Gupta, Anirudh Pradhan, Sushant Gupta, ‘Refraction-Based Alternative Explanation for: Bending of Light Near a Star, Gravitational Red/Blue Shift and Black-Hole’, , April 2010. Dr.R.C.Gupta, Visiting Professor, I.E.T. Lucknow. [email protected]
Sir your answe is absolutely perfect but your answer did not answer y question....please check my question once matter and anti matter react or bombard?
Read my 2005 arxiv paper on 'Gravity', see page 5 section 5 B (ii) regarding new prediction that 'matter and antimatter would repel eachieve other'. This asneers your question.