@Omera You don't need to go for EFA before moving ahead with PLS-SEM. PLS-SEM would serve validity and reliability statistics to validate your measurement model.
Omera Shahnawaz my dear colleagues are very right that you do not need to perform EFA if you are adopting/adapting existing and well-established measures. Furthermore, just for your knowledge, EFA and CFA cannot be performed on the same dataset, even in the case where a new or modified measure is developed. Following article can help you understand more regarding such methodological issues. Tq.
Green, J. P., Tonidandel, S., & Cortina, J. M. (2016). Getting through the gate: Statistical and methodological issues raised in the reviewing process. Organizational Research Methods, 19(3), 402-432. doi:10.1177/1094428116631417
@Zia Aslam The reference you shared here is an amazing landmark paper for the scholars doing survey-based primary data research. A must read manuscript indeed. Below is the attached manuscript in pdf.