Sustainable Agriculture in the advent of climate change focus on both adaptation and mitigation of climate change effects, which one really would be a priority and why?
Both could and should be done together. Otherwise, more problems will be created than solved. Climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation should never have been separated in the first place and we have long been working on highlighting the importance of pursuing them together and in the context of all sustainability endeavours:
The priority between mitigation and adaptation to climate change in agriculture depends on the specific circumstances and objectives of the agricultural system in question. Mitigation strategies aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the fundamental causes of climate change through sustainable practices and technological advancements. Conversely, adaptation involves adjusting agricultural practices to the current or anticipated impacts of climate change, such as altered precipitation patterns and extreme temperatures. The choice between prioritizing mitigation or adaptation is contingent on factors like regional vulnerability, the immediacy of threats, and the available resources. Achieving a balance between both approaches is crucial for establishing resilient and sustainable agricultural systems in response to a changing climate.